Friday, December 28, 2007


I'm sleepy guys. Could somebody else take over opening presents for me?

Now, that's hot, cuz. No touching.

Auntie love.

That's a sweet pickle Ethan is sucking on. It took him fifteen minutes to finally eat it.

A new Tricycle! And Nemo!! What could be better??

Holiday chaos. It was so amazing, felt so right to be with family who is usually is hundreds of miles away, despite the craziness of trying to fit twelve people around my mom's new dining room table. The table really isn't the problem, it's the size of the room. Once everybody sits down it's like, ok, nobody move until everyone is done eating, because if one person has to get up at least the two people on either side of them do too to let them out, and then it's a domino effect from there. But hey, what's wrong with being cozy?
Joey and I managed to make it through the celebrations without too many "discussions"-our parenting style is quite different and this difference seems to magnify during family gatherings, such as birthdays and Christmas. For instance, if Ethan is being a poo and won't sit in his high chair to eat, I calmly take him into the time-out room and tell him he may sit on my lap-BUT-he must be a good boy. Joey hears this little pep talk and about goes ballistic because I am bargaining with a two year old. I don't really realize this is what I was in fact doing. I more look at it like doing what works in the present moment so I can eat.
But I see his point.
Joey is about RULES. Rule number one: You sit in your own high chair to eat.
We had a couple other issues but I am learning this about my husband when he gets angry with me: LET IT GO. Because he certainly does. Not only when he is voicing his frustrations but even more importantly afterward, while I am seething and slamming mugs on the counter and thinking this marriage thing sucks, he is completely over it. Give him five minutes, fifteen if the argument escalated to curse words, and he is ready to give me a hug and call it good. I, on the other hand, have this amazing ability to save every ounce of frustration I feel for my monthly cycle week when all the frustration I've been harboring finally erupts.
Poor Joey.
Anyway, how the heck did I get writing about all this??? This was supposed to be about Christmas and Jess' wedding, which was so amazingly adorable. Jess, if you are reading this, I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU RIGHT NOW. And I had to physically hold my hand down from reaching for the phone and calling you this morning. Because I didn't want to disturb you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for not calling! We were...sleeping! :) It was a long day the day before. We just got the internet so I'm catching up. Thanks for being my maid of honor. I just watched the video today and listened to your speech again and it made me so so so so so so so thankful for your friendship. I love you.
ps. You totally booked it down the isle! It is so funny! :)