Friday, April 29, 2011

Noah Bear.

It's the weekend baby! The last weekend before I start full time work and turn into a complete hermit! I really want to go out tonight but have run out of sitters. It happens.
Noah is incredibly cute at this moment in time, and also incredibly maddening. I think to the degree they are cute they are also to the same degree crazy monsters. Just a theory.

I call him "Sticky Fingers" because if it is in his reach he will squeeze, pull, dump, break, smash, or throw it. Wherever he finds himself I find myself doing a mad rush to clear everything out of his grasp. He'll eat almost anything, besides food. The other day he gave me a big toothy smile full of purple crayon.
But Mac and Cheese just doesn't do it for him.
Currently he's sitting by me at the table filling my check book (yes! my check book!) up with thin, one-and-a-half year old pencil scribbles. I guess I'll be spending the rest of my afternoon erasing them. This is the type of stuff that makes the crazies set in, btw.
But he's so dang cute you kinda just look over it. The way his cheeks puff out like rolls and his long, fair eyelashes, and of course that goofy grin. Like he just put a whoopie cushion on your seat and he's waiting for you to sit down on it.

1 comment:

Deaira Dea said...

I think I'm there... Life is so good until they're mobile. You're not alone :) I too am picking up, pulling off, putting up somethign within reach of little fingers or fishing foreign objects out of mouths... Marianne Liggett said to me recently "Its only by the grace of God any little boy grows up to be an adult" I think she's right! :)