Thursday, May 27, 2010

Little Babies.

Tired today. It's all rainy and cloudy outside. I don't know if I like it or not but I know it's better than when it's freezing.
Today me and the little boys are going over to visit Adam. He was born on Tuesday, little darling. I haven't really seen his face yet because when we went to the hospital he was in the nursery and they don't do things like hold the baby up for you, even if that's what they show in the movies. The real nurses totally ignore you.
So all I saw was his profile, his right cheek round and swollen and his limbs bent and tucked like frog's legs. He had that white plastic bracelet on.
Then after work I went over to Heather's house, my best girl from growing up (we were like the three stooges, only there was just the two of us) to see her tiny twins. TWINS. Holy mother of God.
They were darling, quiet things all wrapped and burritoed in their blankets, but I know better. You know at three in the morning they are like miniature, wailing, starving aliens.
Holding them lowered my heart rate. I smelled their delicate breast milk breath. It was like holding two birdies, they were so beautiful.

1 comment:

Deaira Dea said...

LOL I love your description Miniature Wailing Starving Aliens Its pretty accurate... I think its hardest to be a mommy between the hours of 2am-6am! But they're so sweet and adorable when they finally get what they want! Enjoy your new nephew! :)