Saturday, April 3, 2010


Yesterday I came home from work and in an hour of madness fed Ethan and I left overs, cleaned up, fed Noah peaches mixed with rice cereal (and a prayer it wouldn't clog him up), read Ethan two stories, let him brush his own teeth while I put Noah down, then sang Ethan a train song he l.o.v.e.s., then a quick prayer while wondering if the theology is correct, and then getting a little irritated that I have to be thinking about that while saying a quick prayer before Ethan goes to bed.
Then I was able to brush my hair and my teeth, wipe a q-tip under my eyes to get the black smudges off from wearing mascara all day, and a tiny, half spray of perfume (didn't want Joey thinking I was trying too hard).
And then as I was getting the coffee maker ready for the next morning, he walked in, and it was peaceful and I was looking forward to spending time with him.
This is a miracle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing. Good job. (Love, Kayla from Redding)