Saturday, January 23, 2010


Three days straight with the boys, due to ear infections. That's right. As in plural, two, one in each boy. I really shouldn't be complaining, seeing as Ethan can go two weeks with so much fluid in his ear his eardrum doesn't vibrate without complaining once of pain. Noah on the other hand...complains. He's starting to come around; the poor boy at least smiled a couple of times today and cooed a bit like his old, jolly self.
I've enjoyed the time at home, relaxing, taking a bath, making dinner. We've only had about one psycho mom moment a day, which is pretty good.
Tonight I made dinner, something I haven't done in months, ever since I started working in the evenings. I made pasta with homemade alfredo sauce, salmon with lemon, garlic, and dill, and sliced red tomatoes on the side. It was pretty much amazing, despite the fact Ethan had to take a poo right as I put it on the table, and then he decided he wanted to make up an eternally long song while playing drums with the empty toilet paper roll on the bathroom counter. Now it seems kinda funny. At the time, I was about to blow. I wanted my dinner and I wanted it hot. In the midst of all of this Noah would not let me put him down, and my shoulder and neck are paying for it right now.
Ethan eventually came out of the bathroom, first naked, second naked, third naked (I was really about to lose it here) and finally with his pajamas on.
Cold salmon really isn't that bad, but the cold alfredo noodles were a bit of a disappointment.
After Ethan ate his noodles one. at. a. time. we watched Veggie Tales and ate Jelly Bellies. Then I put the boys to bed early, and I think I will go to bed too. My weekends are for me, my boys, and sleep.

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