Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Artists and a little bit of Fiebe.

I interviewed two artists yesterday who are living downtown in the Riverside Lofts. Their apartment was filled with nick-nacky figurines, bugs of all shapes and sizes framed and hanging on the wall, paintings, curtains, and the like. Exactly what you'd think an artist's apartment would look like.
He was quiet, with a cute grin, and she was shy but very sweet. I liked meeting them very much.
His portrait paintings were absolutely phenomenal, you kept thinking the person in the painting was going to pitch in on the conversation we all were having they looked so dang real and glossy.
For a fifth of a second I had the desire to paint, and then ZAP! it was gone, like Christians in those rapture books.
It's just too messy and expensive and time consuming and disappointing when it looks like crap.
But mostly time consuming and expensive.
Joey came down to work today to show Fiebe off. The ladies smiled and cooed like she was a brand new baby. Babies and puppies, and probably kittens too, bring out the sweetest sides of even the grumpiest of people. I'd show her off all day if I could.

1 comment:

Emery Jo said...

hey danae! Thanks for offering to chat with me re:home birth. Can I email you some questions? I don't have your email address- can you send it to emerybored at aol dot com?

Thanks a bajillion gillion. love!!!