Sunday, March 23, 2008


No bunnies, no baskets. I did make cupcakes with a little jelly egg on top but really they just weren't appetizing with the super sweet and runny homemade frosting I made to go on top.
Ethan has been adorable in his short sleeve shirt I haven't put on him since last summer, now a little tight. So cute. I wore a yellow skirt that is generally pretty comfortable but I was also paranoid I should have worn a slip underneath, going to church and all. I hate details like that.
I also feel like a total inconsiderate donkey because I was on the phone the other day with a friend and she was telling me about her family Easter party, and it sounded like so much fun with all the kids and egg hunting and all, that I asked if we might be able to come. She said sure, but then, it isn't at her house, it's at her mom's. And now I realize they are doing a whole family Easter dinner and me and my big mouth along with Joey, my mom, my dad, and my son, are right in the middle of it. I feel so rude. I want to show up at her door with roses and a bowl of peas and an extra ham, just in case.
I mean, who does that? "Um, yes, can we crash your holiday? Yes, our whole family? The one you already bought and planned for? Um, thanks."
Also, I stink. Literally. Does anyone else out there have this problem? I mean, I am a short, petite girl who likes to shower and I stink. I admit I don't like to use antiperspirant but I do use deodorant-and usually men's-and I still smell so disgusting. What's the deal? I tell Joey that in other cultures a woman with a strong bodily scent is considered desirable and he laughs and says, "Baby, you are not a part of that culture." True.
And I miss Joey. I miss him standing by me when they read the scripture before the service, or when we sing. Is that lame or what? I say is that lame because I think really I miss the idea of him being at church with me more than him himself. If I remember correctly usually we fought on Sunday mornings. If I remember correctly.
Something to note** He has looked extremely hot in his BTU's lately. **
But if I were to ever tell him this, I think it would be awkward.

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