Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things.

Inspiring, they make me feel more like me.
A two buck gem from Forever 21 that brings any outfit to life. 

My fall workout hoodie. Off the shoulder eighties style, loose, free and happy.
Black leather jacket. Slide it on and instantly you wanna be at a bar, sipping on a beer, oblivious of time. I can't wait to wear it with a girly dress. 

The little hero. 
The Unmanageables.
I've been home most this week with Ethan. It's been great to have so much down time together. We bought "Brave" and have watched it twice. What a sweet movie!
I bought my Christmas ornaments and maybe will start them today, it being rainy and overcast and a perfect day for endless tea and crafts.
My boys are growing, changing, all the time. Ethan is a born leader, logical, direct and smart as can be. Noah is goofy, intent on having his own say, and loves to be snuggled, tickled, and doted on. Noah reminds me a lot of myself: sensitive and stubborn. Ethan reminds me of my older sister: independent and strong. It's interesting how our birth order affects our personalities.
I am looking forward to the holidays, to family time, amazing food, and just being together with each other. The latter, above all else, is by far my most favorite thing.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't one more be fun? ... Maybe he/she would be like me:)...then it would complete.... :)

Anonymous said...

Ooh.. And I love the jacket.. Chuy bought me a red leather one from PAris..pretty much makes me feel lieK a women the minute I put it on:)