Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hey there.

I've got writer's block and am super busy but life is good. Things going on in my head:
I am fighting for joy everyday. Christ came so that we may have life abundantly.
Noah is the sweetest. He is a heavy load of love.
I am learning to appreciate the little people I work with. Finding joy in their mischievous looks; that little sparkle that comes out every so often. I am working on becoming a better teacher to them everyday: more caring, more patient, more creative. I bring my guitar and sing to them. Since December I have been singing Christmas songs with them. They always request "the pretty one" (Silent Night)and as I sing it their eyes all glaze over and they hold still, looking up at me in a trance of some sort. Later one of them ask if they can listen to me sing it on their ipod. I about melt.
I am so thankful I can teach exercise, a dream of mine. While most dreams have dissipated due to the demands of my offspring, this one has held on, somehow working itself out in the midst of real life. Thank you God.
We had a great evening with friends a couple of nights ago. There were almost as many kids as adults and it hit me that we have moved into a new phase of life officially: everyone we know practically are parents. The easy life is over, but we still managed to have a great time.
Ethan is having a hard time hearing. He had a cold a couple of weeks ago and ever since has really struggled to hear. I need to take him to the doctor; it breaks my heart to see him so oblivious to everything that is making noise around him. The TV has to be at like 40 for him to hear it.
Merry Christmas.

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