Thursday, July 2, 2009


I decided this morning to write in my journal our top names for this little guy and then write their meanings to try and help the right name fall into place; for a name to feel right and natural and chosen. We have been so indecisive on choosing a name for this little guy, it was really starting to cause some anxiety, at least on my part. Joey--poor Joey--has had to suffer with me bringing up the name topic whenever there is a free and quiet moment. "So, have you thought of any names?" Like guys really spend their free time surfing the hundreds of "baby names" websites.
This is what I wrote:
Noah: peaceful, comforter, wanderer
Patrick: noble
Lucas/Luke: bringer of light, morning, physician
Thomas: twin, doubter and zealous faith
I liked Noah right after I wrote it. It's a new addition to our top three names, only added a couple of days ago after we saw it written on a sippy cup at Baby's R Us and both said, yeah, that's a good name. After seeing the meaning for the first time, I liked it even better. Peaceful. Comforter. Both words were like water to my soul.
OK, so then get this--I looked away for like a second, and when I looked again there was a freaken rainbow on my journal. A rainbow!! And that made me remember God's promises, a theme that I have been praying over my life and my family's life and my friends' lives for a while now: to live and breath in God's promises, no matter what is going on. What joy and peace this has brought me very recently, and God literally flung a rainbow across my journal to remind me, and in my opinion, to gently confirm, his name is Noah.
I mean, isn't that crazy? And wonderful? It's perfect. It suits his soul, as my friend put it. I literally can feel that it fits him.
Now, to convince Daddy...
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Erin Holland said...

Amazing... I have tears Danae:) Thank you for sharing your story today...and seeing the photo just amazes me! He is faithful!!

love you!!

Jessica Mapa said...

Awesome! And praise God for cameras!

Katie Marie said...

The name game has been one of my biggest stresses this pregnancy. We have narrowed our list down and then decided against our short list and started a new one. We have already named her and then changed our minds at least 5 times.

I have a month left. Let's hope something great comes to me.

Charel said...

I think Noah would be cute and it sound great with Ethan too!! =]

Kelly said...

I'm guessing you convinced him. How cool is that! I'm so excited. I love Noah. I love it when God writes in the sky for us like that!

The Ogden Family said...

Colin's name was almost Noah. I love it. It goes perfect with Ethan! I can't wait to see you guys! and play in the new pool.