Thursday, December 2, 2010

Good Morning, Miss Ogre.

Why is it that as you get older you get uglier and uglier in the morning? I seriously scared myself this morning when I looked in the mirror right after getting out of bed. Then I happened to yawn and my breath could have wilted a flower.
It's like I turn into a ogre in the middle of the night, and then after I shower and get my makeup on and my hair dried I turn back into me. It's making the thought of camping more and more impossible, especially tent camping. I think the biggest thing is my left eyebrow, which I over-plucked a few years back (OK, OK, I plucked the entire second half off), and I can't let it grow back because it grows all funky and grandpa like, so I keep it plucked and have to draw it in every morning. But until I can get my hands on that essential little pencil I just look really weird, like I am going through chemo.
Also, I am hoping that by writing this dumb crap my mojo will be back in town at about the same time Joey is. I have this strange hunch that writing is secretly connected to my sex drive. We'll see.
Some other stuff going on in my head:
Sometimes, against all better judgment, I want to have another baby. The other day I had decided that this is what I wanted and so I spent all day dreaming of a third, probably a girl, and thinking of names and picturing meadow scenes with all three of my children frolicking in the muted sunset light.
Of course, when I let Joey in on my plans we almost got divorced, but we worked through it.
Then today I am thinking about wanting a job that makes a lot of money and has some sort of title that would make me feel good every time I told anyone what I do.
And of course, those two little things (a baby and a job) don't really go together. In fact, in my life, from past experience, they sort of create an atomic bomb in my life: BOOM!
Anyway, just crap in my head.


Jill said...

You're so funny. My third baby was a dream and is now the funniest two year-old I've ever met. However, Adam wanted another one, too, which made that choice easier.

Anonymous said...

The third baby is the easiest... at least in my experience... of course, she is only 3 months old (thus not crawling or getting into anything) and a really good baby... so my tune could change in a few months. But three was the easiest addition for me!!

Glad your funk is passing too... I HATE the funk... which I am sadly well acquainted with...
