Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"And when I can't stand, you are where I land..."

He is goofy and quirky. When he passes gas he tells anyone in earshot he is 'Tooty McFarlin'.  It has no reference whatsoever which is why it is all the more precious and him.

He is always in another world, winning wars and saving whole societies. His art makes me want to cry it is so precious and free and he can sing so beautifully. This morning he was singing "Home Means Nevada" but to a new tune. It was better than the original, more pep. I asked him where he learned it and he said he didn't like the old way so he made a new way up. I'm still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor.   
Did I mention someone is two? 
It's pretty amazing, building this family, day by day together. 


1 comment:

seth.cotter said...

Precious and unique! Hope to see you all over the Holidays! Love ya cuz