Saturday, February 21, 2009

At Nine Weeks...

So if this baby is not a girl I will be S-H-O-C-K-E-D. (Is that how that's spelled? Looks wierd.) I mean, just because this pregnancy feels completely different from the last doesn't mean there's a different sex in there, but it might right?
It's not even that I am dying for a girl or something. I mean, I kinda did, for a second, but that's past and now all I can think about is all of Ethan's clothes. And toys. With another little boy, we'd be all set. With a little girl, however--Jeese! We'd be starting all over, which just means dishing out more mula to Old Navy and Baby's R Us. I mean, I like to shop, if I have money.
So anyway, though, I cannot stop eating. And seriously this fatigue is getting old--I can barely run one errand without having to come home and recover on the couch for two hours. I am in all my "fat" clothes, not maternity yet, so I just feel frumpy. I haven't felt so down since high school.
And then there is the nausea and uncontrollable barfing. I keep putting off writing on this thing because it is all so depressing, but there it is: I feel like a lot of normal, healthy, nine week pregnant women-constantly hungry, so tired I can barely keep my eyes open, fat, and sea sick.


Simon Jooste said...

SO sorry you're feeling so sick!!! Hopefully it will pass in a few weeks. Take it easy - and don't be too hard on yourself! Love you!

Kelly said...

At least you can make a funny blog about it! (Maybe it's your undeniable honesty in how you say things that always makes me laugh)
Love you lots! Hang in there.... and strangely it's sort of hard not to feel a tinge of jealousy watching you pregnant ladies in church chatting and not being a part of the group this time. Man, what is wrong with me!!?