Sunday, March 13, 2011

Playing Catch Up Again.

There's so much to catch up on! Again!
The most depressing and at the same time freeing thing is that we have decided to get rid of the dogs. I feel like such a bad person, like I have crossed over to the dark side.
Which is probably true.
So they are for sale on Craigslist. It is all very humbling to me. But I know it's better for my family. The hole I wanted those dogs to fill in my heart (seriously) has just turned into a pain in (mostly) my husband's ass.
For that darn hole in my heart, well, I have at least since realized dogs won't fill it, nor will another baby, or my husband, etc. etc.
Moving on....
Operation Butt, Hips, and Back of Thighs.
I have come to the conclusion that with as much as I work out I really have no excuse to have a part of my body that I don't like because it's not in shape.
Enter Operation Butt, Hips, and Backs of Thighs.
Starting whenever the weather warms up I am going to be doing serious boot camp on my butt. There is a hill right out my front door that I am going to commit to running up it at least five times, three times a week. Tyra Banks was asked one time how she kept herself in shape and she nailed it: "I run. Hills."  (That's not a direct quote even though I just made it one, but she did say that's what she did).
I also am going to do the leg press and hamstring thing at the gym with enough weight to make me break a sweat when I do it on the opposite two days I don't run.
This is what I feel like I have been missing: WEIGHT.  To help tone it all up and make it perky instead of saggy, smooth instead of craters of cellulite.
I had sort of come to accept my butt/backs of legs as is but I have never really tried to focus and change them. The rest of my body has gone with the program and toned up quite nicely. My butt however is stubborn so I am going to kill it.
Maybe if I get brave I will post some progress pictures, but actually as I write that it is a very dumb idea. I will not be posting even covered pictures of my rear on my blog (cheers from Joey!).
Moving on...
We re-did our bedroom, a little mini-make-over. I love love love it!! And I should post pictures but I am just too lazy. Maybe later.
We have been doing all sorts of spring cleaning and it all started because we bought a new vacuum that actually worked. When Joey and I saw the amount of dirt coming out of what we thought were relatively clean carpets we both wanted to puke and cough all at the same time.
Even since we have been on a cleaning frenzy over here: the blinds, the floor boards, organizing closets and pantries, re-doing our  feels so good!
Makes me think of that book The Tipping Point and how in life there is a point where things reach and from there they just take off; the vacuum was our tipping point. I can't stop now. I want to clean and paint and re-do everything.
We've been in this house five years now, enough time for it to need to be deep cleaned. 
But of course right now I have two options: find some dusty thing to deep clean with q-tips and an old toothbrush or go take a nap in our new bedding.

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