Ethan is five today. FIVE. It's so wonderful I just can't stand it. FIVE is when people stop saying horrible descriptive words (as in the "terrible" two's and so on) before the age so maybe five will be a little less pulling-out-you-hair-ish than the previous four. I have hope.
It seems to be the case so far: this morning he is bright and all smiles, in his new birthday outfit, ready to celebrate. He still got up at five? six? in the morning, which is his custom, but I can handle telling him to go watch a movie until I get out of bed.
I took him and Noah clothes shopping yesterday, a fact that makes me feel really-super-mom-ish. Of course we got a little desperate by Store Number Two and I had to keep them from killing each other in the dressing room, but we made it! And Ethan was such a trooper, tagging along because he's too big for a stroller (and doubles don't fit in clothes stores anyway) sometimes pushing the stroller for me even though it's probably heavier than he is, what with Noah and all the clothes I have heaped on top to try on.
I just know he is going to have horrible memories of clothes shopping with his mother, the endless feeling of it. I can see it in his eyes.
He wanted a Superman shirt, a blue and red one, but we couldn't find one so we got a Batman one instead. I don't like the Joker on the one half, but what can you do. I couldn't break his little heart.
Anyway, I can't believe he's five. Some wise, old mother (probably) said it well: with children, the does go by very slow and the years go by very fast.
Ethan's smile busts my heart and his spirit fills my soul. He is priceless and there is nothing that compares to him. Happy Five, buddy.
Happy Birthday to you little buddy! I love you so crazy much. You are so unique and special. We are blessed to know you. and Tallulah likes it when you chase her and tickle her...she just told me. I love you and your whole family!!! kisses.
Happy Birthday Ethan!!
His birthday is today? No way! Cambri's is today, too! Happy birthday to Ethan.
No way Jill that's awesome. Who would have thought we'd have a kid on the same day...and New Year's too!
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