He's very serious, folks. Watch out.
Today I found Noah crunching on a long piece of pink chalk. It was kind of like lipstick the way it stained his mouth and cheeks. That's gotta be up there for cancer causers. Whoops.
And then Ethan is full of attitude today. He's down for his second nap because the first one bombed. Right now this is the hardest part of being a mom: ATTITUDE. I can't stand it and I can't stand being the meanie who has to crack down on it. But, I guess it's not really being mean if it's helping Ethan grow into the wonderful gentleman he is *gulp* becoming, right?
We took Noah for his first haircut. He looks so handsome. The bad part, though, was that he screamed his head off for most of the time, worse than any shots he's ever recieved from the doctors. He just really doesn't like things that go "buzz", and I am pretty sure if has to do with the sucking device they used on me when he was but the size of a pea. Poor baby. You would have thought someone was branding him. The pictures don't really show it because I think we were trying to get some happy ones. He did enjoy his very first sucker though, covered in hair and everything.
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