No work today. There is at least a foot of snow, if not more. Yesterday morning we had planned to go Christmas tree hunting, but just about five minutes outside of Reno we drove into a blizzard and decided buying one in town looked like a pretty good idea. This was more than a little bit of a disappointment since I have been talking about going to cut a tree this year for at least three months. I also have been building it up for Ethan, using the soon-to-be outing as a bedtime story. "When we go cut our tree, were going to take our new truck, and go way way way up into the mountains..." The outing wasn't easy to get ready for either. All the snow gear. The sled. The ax. The snacks and hot chocolate. Plus getting little Noah ready and dropped off with Grandma. As is the custom for these "family times" Joey was quite irritated at me--I guess messing around on Facebook thirty minutes before we have to go, with none of the above done, does look a little irresponsible.
When we were discussing this in the truck on the way into the blizzard, I told him next year I know what is important to him for outings like these is to be prepared and ready, like the night before. I told him what is important to me is that we are getting along and not in a bad mood. He nodded, and I took his hand, and we were O.K. We have come a long way when it comes to crap like this.
At first we thought we might as well save the gas and money and just pick up a tree at the grocery store. But when Ethan caught on to our idea in the Raley's parking lot, in a desperate little voice he said, "We're gonna get our Christmas tree here?" like all his Christmas hopes and dreams just came crashing down all around him. So we drove to a lot for a little atmosphere and paid the extra ten bucks, and Ethan was thrilled (he's read about Christmas tree lots in his Curious George Christmas book).
It's a cute little tree, with a little bit of smell. Nothing like the divine smell I remember from our Pinion Pines growing up, but it's there at least.
I don't ever want an artificial one again. Yes, they look perfect, and you don't have to spend money on a new one every year, but a real tree has a certain character in the house. It becomes a live presence in the home, and it just seems more genuine, which makes a lot of sense because it is!
I am trying to make Christmas more than about the gifts this year. What is important to me is making it special for Ethan, making ornaments together, gingerbread houses, decorating, baking, having him have his own presents to give away. Christmas so easily can become only a shopping affair (which I love to do!) but there are so many other fun things to do too, especially with a kid about four years old.
And this is a perfect day to take advantage of, since we are seriously snowed in. I think we will make a snowman, maybe some more ornaments, and I will get started on my Christmas cards. In my slippers. With a cup of joe.
A beautiful tree, a great family, and doing everything to make Christmas 2009 a Special one!! Cherish the memories!! My tree is up too, and working on the rest.
Love Ya.
There is nothing like Christmas with little ones at home. Thanks for sharing.
what a moment im sure for ethan before you went to the lot for your tree.. desperation in his tiny voice. wish i were there. sounds good to have a christmas made special bringing ethan into it more--cookies, and ornaments.. i'm sure his gifts are going to be wonderful!
we have a tiny (yes.. tiny) fake plastic tree:( not happening again. and i'm not sure i'll pull myself together to do ornaments or cookies this year, thinking you are is good enough for me. feeling sick for some reason though today. hope that goes away. i miss you. good to talk for a min today. careful with all the snow! daelynn
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