Friday, June 6, 2008

Photo Up-date!

After the rain, the backyard looks so clean and pretty.

I love to be out here.

This is Ethan's helmet. Then he gets on the guitar case and acts like it's his 'motorcycle'.

This boy is still for sale.

Meet little Fiebe. All 2.6 pounds of her.

This is a little tiny bed we bought for Fiebe but she won't have anything to do with it. Riley, on the otherhand, will take whatever is handed to her. She is pitiful.

This is how it was for the first two days. Riley has warmed up now though and lets Fiebe snuggle into her.

1 comment:

Simon Jooste said...

Thank you! She is so cute. I bet she is even cuter in person. I won't be able to see her until October :(
Your backyard looks great too :) And Ethan is too cute in his helmet.